Hey all,

It’s been such a crazy couple weeks, highs were awesome, lows sucked, but guess what!?  I’m back!!  It’s been a while since I posted anything, but I’ve got a few things I want to put up, so stay tuned!!

Not going to lie, I had to set an alarm on my phone to remind myself to take a few moments every day for myself, and post on my own blog!! Hopefully I can get on a schedule and it will just become second nature to share my thoughts and ideas!!

The family is good, crazy busy, but very good!  The boys are keep me running full time, which according to extended family, is making me lose weight.  Win Win!!  Ok, gotta get back to gathering all my info for my crafties, food goodies, and inspirational quotes and passages that have helped me through those low points!


Stay tuned!

