Sugar Scrubs

Sugar Scrubs

So I tried my hand, my rough and dry hands, at my own sugar scrub.  To my surprise, most of the instructions I found online were super easy, and I already had all the ingredients in my pantry.  Now before you go assuming that my pantry is full of all these exotic...
I knew this would happen…

I knew this would happen…

Hey all, It’s been such a crazy couple weeks, highs were awesome, lows sucked, but guess what!?  I’m back!!  It’s been a while since I posted anything, but I’ve got a few things I want to put up, so stay tuned!! Not going to lie, I had to set...

Four Part Women Series

Just wanted to let you all know that I will be starting a four part series about different areas that women are currently holding positions of authority. I will be discussing my thoughts and beliefs on women holding positions in politics, military, religion and work...
1000 words

1000 words

You’ve all heard the saying, “A pictures worth a 1000 words”…and there are pictures that are taken that make those words just endlessly flow.  One such photo was taken just a couple days ago, and it truly captures just how blessed I am. Holmes...